At We Do! Charleston, your wedding is as unique as you are as a couple. That’s why I have curated these offerings to fit the needs of our ideal clients who are looking for personalized Charleston wedding planning and design. Our pricing is based on package details, client needs, required travel, guest count, and design complexity. Each service includes a complimentary consultation for us to get to know each other and to learn about your wishes and needs for the first step in your marriage.
I cannot wait to help you down the aisle!
x o x o,
Full Service Charleston Wedding Planning
Our full service clients love this offering for its comprehensive coverage of all things planning! Let us do the planning and design legwork for you so all that’s left to do is make the exciting executive decisions.
We take the reigns from start to finish to ensure you have a stress-free, seamless experience that results in an impeccably smooth wedding weekend!
If you’re a busy young professional looking to make only the fun decisions, you’ll enjoy:
- Custom budget analysis and management
- Checklist development and management
- Venue and vendor recommendations, selection, contract management, and confirmation
- Unlimited appointments and meetings (phone, email, or in-person via our scheduling service) with you and/or other vendors, includes venue walkthrough
- Event concept and wedding design creation
- Custom timeline and floorplan development
- Welcome bag item sourcing, assembly, and distribution
- Wedding ceremony rehearsal coordination
- Optional rehearsal dinner planning add-on
- Wedding day transportation coordination
- Coordination of all vendors from ceremony and reception set-up to breakdown
- Optional farewell brunch planning add-on
- We Do! Charleston Signature Wedding Emergency Kit
- Assist couple and guests with any needs day-of
We know we want it all! What next?
Design Service
Our design offering enables clients to enjoy the thrill of planning their own wedding while we provide a guiding artistic eye to make every aspect of the event cohesive, intentional, and personal.
If you know you’ve got this planning thing down, let us wrap it all up for you (cute bow included)!
With this offering, you can expect:
- Event concept, color palette and texture selection/refinement, drawing from aspects of your lifestyle and love story
- Unlimited email communication and scheduled phone appointments
- 2 in-person design meetings with you
- One venue walkthrough
- Custom mood boards, product sourcing and optional floorplan development
- Optional stationery add-on
- Personalized pricing